The one who hears you hears me.
The one who rejects you rejects me,
And the one who rejects me rejects him,
who sent me.

Lukács Evangéiuma 10,16

Movie recommendation: *** San Pietro ***

This movie presents the adventurous life of St. Peter, disciple of Jesus, starring Omar Sharif. The meaning of the name ’Peter’ is rock, doctor, healer, prophetic, it is not a coincidence that Jesus is founded His Church on Him.

„Feed my sheeps!”

The extraordinary story tells Peter apostie’s life from Jesus’ death, the most exciting period in the history of Christianity: the struggles of the early Christians, the persecutions of Christians and the spreading the teachings of Christ.

At the beginnning of the movie Peter is standing completely devastated under the cross of Christ. He can not understand how could it be happened, does not feel the Strenght inside to fulfill the task entrusted by Christ and keep together, lead the disciples and followers. In addition he has got a strong sense of guilt for denying his Master three times. The news of the miraculous resurrection comes three days later and he meets with Jesus, the beggar in the same day. This strenghtens in his Faith and duty: he has to fulfil the task imposed on him by the Master.
The story ends in Rome, where Peter organizes and brings together the early Christian communities during the bloody persecution of the roman emperor Nero.

I recommend this movie with Great Love:

Simon Tímea Nóra * White Magister, Graduate Master of Spiritual Healing

Movie recommendation: *** Cloud Atlas***

Are You also searching for Your Way?
Everyone is searching.

Would You like to know what is going on around You and why?
All of us would like to know.

Are You waiting for answers about the meaning of human Life, that why I am existing on Earth?
These are huge and not a simple questions certainly.

There is not so much movies on the questions above. The Wachowski brothers’ * Cloud Atlas title is a refreshing exception. The Workshop in december has been canceled, so take Your time and watch the movie. And if You watched it, watch it again! You will have to.

Are You also searching for Your Way?
Many people has already found.

Would You like to know what is going on around You and why?
There are few who begin to understand.

Are You waiting for answers about the meaning of human Life, that why I am existing on Earth?
Some people has the answer. It will arrive in some way or other.

I recommend this movie for everyday use, also in book form:

Simon Tímea Nóra * White Magister, Graduate Master of Spiritual Healing