Let’s the prayer be the first, not the last!

There are several people living at their place. Some of them are known by us, some are less known, they are coming towards us in the street or never get into sight before us in a lifetime. But there is a person who has to be known anyhow, we have to look at Her eyes at least once in this Life, who is holding Her hand on the spiritual pulse of our Existence:

Simon Tímea Nóra, White Magister, Graduate Master of Spiritual Healing

Tímea has made a unique Spiritual Creative Workshop in November of 2009 in Gyöngyös, Hungary.. She established it to be a kind of forum for Her patients and the interested people, besides Her spiritual, healing work and treatment, with free discussion during a pleasant night, once in a month.

Who knows Her is able to know that She is teaching, educating, healing, loving and sprinkling the bless in a different, non-traditional way. It can not be enumerated how many people’s broken lifeway came back into track, how many teardrops have been dried up and how many Souls have been found their OwnWay. You can ask who is treated and supported by Timea, you can give a question what was before Her and after Her, you can be waken and wondering that how many other levels of our deeply ingrained material world can come to life yet.

The essence in Timea is the Faith. The Hope. That there is forward. No matter how BUT THERE IS. There is a Way that you can go along, not by bus or car like so far, but on foot.

Simon Tímea Nóra lives into quite a different layers and levels, communicates in an entirely different channels and despite of we can not understand a lot from it, the substance is one: what is emitting from Her is for Lifetime. Then we can feel that we are Healing, that we become a little bit better, there will be more forgiveness into us, the Soul is elevating, the Heart is rolling better, the trouble is shrinkingm, the Light is overspreading. The Spiritual Creative Workshop was established for the reasons above, to propagate and send the Hope of Better Life for everyone.

Nothing can not summarize better Tímea, Her Healing and the being of the Spiritual Creative Workshop than this quote from Mahatma Gandhi:

„First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”