What you share with others, the Universe pays you back.

We were physically and psychically worn out very much when our son Bálint (was 2,5 years old then) had asthmatic attacks and we had fears for his life every night.

I was treated by Tímea Nóra Simon that time because of my gynecological problem started after my first doughter's death in 1990. I asked her to give a time to my son too. Tímea told me that a single treatment was not enough but that was a fact that we had not to wake any night after Bálint's healing. My husband's problems bettered a lot after a few treatments. My gynecological problems I had for 20 years had resolved after about 15 treatments. I take as a miracle how good I could performe in June when I had many exams on the university in one day. That seemed to be impossible to study the whole curriculum besides my 4 children/work/leading of a civil union. I studied the basic items of all subjects and I red all the others many times. I thought that I could get a rating „2” this way. When I got there to exam I sent a SMS to Tímea to send me Helpers. I believe that because of their help I got those items of ALL SUBJECTS (!!!) I studied well.

One night (three years ago) a very close old girlfriend of mine called me on phone to say goodbye to me. I asked Tímea to accompany me to her. Katika (my girlfriend) is still with us – she has got some delay from Heaven by Tímea's ask - to settle her important family things. These are the miracles happened to me personally but I know many of healings by Tímea's blessed cleaning in my environment too.
