There are several people living at their place. Some of them are known by us, some are less known, they are coming towards us in the street or never get into sight before us in a lifetime. But there is a person who has to be known anyhow, we have to look at Her eyes at least once in this Life, who is holding Her hand on the spiritual pulse of our Existence:
Simon Tímea Nóra, White Magister, Graduate Master of Spiritual Healing
Tímea has made a unique Spiritual Creative Workshop in Gyöngyös in November of 2009. She established it to be a kind of forum for Her patients and the interested people, besides Her spiritual, healing work and treatment, with free discussion during a pleasant night, once in a month.
I met Tímea Nóra Simon first time in the December of 2009. She started to treat my mother but meantime she had to go to an hospital so I went to the treatment. Since then Tímea heals me.
Unfortunately the year 2010 began bad – my husb
I came to know Tímea 3 years ago by one of my friends. Then I had no physical but psychical problems. I had doubts when I went to Tímea first but after that I decided to go usually as I need that positive Power if I
My first meeting with Tímea Nóra Simon was strange. Now I know that I went to her not to the best of my belief but under pressure. My problem was not tragical – my right arm was only numb first then I could not hold any